Back from nbc honours band concert! (sorry if post is abit long, I just miss writing longggg posts)
I was actually one of the three non-band members that went, but who cares right its all for the love for music! Seriously, I wouldn't mind going for these concerts everyday, cause its much better to watch them live than to hear recordings (that I actually already like alot, anyway)Met Terie, JJ, Yh, Fiona
(terie's cousin) for dinner at
subway raffles city, where I got my usual -
cold cut trio with no onions, more olives and honey mustard sauce.
I think terie couldn't finish
(or didn't like) the footlong that she shared with JJ, so I got abit of her bread and tomato HAHA. A six inch ain't enough to fill my stomach, seriously D: There was some kinda silence on the way there, but we reached rather early anyway.
Four of us
(JJ, terie, me, fiona, their cousin) sat at the back while the ahband members took up the whole row hahah.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ahband performed first, I wouldn't comment since I'm not really part of the cca to have any say in it, so you can always go blog surfing or something. Couldn't see much from the front seats so I didn't get the chance to see carol at all, at least I heard the horn solo :D But they didn't play March-bou-shu which made Terie and I pretty sad D:(i shall not comment too much on the music cause uh, I don't feel too right doing that, me and my VERY VERY weird thinking, hahaha)Next up was TKGS, and I was already thinking about Claire Chin, but I thought she would probably be part of the audience like our school's sec fours, so seeing her on stage came as a shock for me. A nice surprise actually!
She plays the clarinet right at the front of the stage, so she mouthed "ohmygod!" when I waved at her as they were about to sit down. Yeah, OHMYGOD. She had many solo parts too okay (Y),Claire, if you ever read this, we must totally go out for some feast after the o'levels :D GLAD TO HAVE SEEN YOU TODAY, YOU'RE STILL AS SKINNY AS EVER, you can always visit your cca when you have time :Dand then Temasek poly. HAHAHAHA. There was this male flautist who had REALLLY long hair, dyed light brown with this super gay long fringe. Before he started, he BLEW his fringe away, so its like some tuft of hair flying into the air suddenly. He also kept glancing at the piccolo player next to him with THAT kind of eyes that say "i love you" HAHA.The scene was so hilarious, Terie, JJ and I were laughing so hard at it. Some of the band members plus Rachelle (hello do you read this haha) turned around too, it was extremely amusing I swear. Imagine a lock of hair suddenly flying in the air in slow-mo and you'll get what I mean. Terie and I had a nice time trying to spot AhBengs (loads of them), most of them had their hair dyed anyway, don't suppose you can count that as ah-beng-ness. xDAnyway the song they played weren't bad, especially towards the end :] We all thought they played 3 pieces, but I just found out its a whole song in 3 movements -.- But yah, it was quite good.
there was some kind of fireworks display for idk what reason, it wasn't too spectacular a show since we only caught the last one and it was raining anyway. We're lucky we didn't go home in the end, cause the second part of the concert was really the highlight~Chung cheng high yishun was pretty good since it was starting to have the feel. I don't know how to describe it, even though I'm not supposed to know how to properly judge how good or bad a band is, I'm sure most people can tell whether it has that feel or not. I totally forgot the piece which they played .__. Next up, MJC! I've come to a conclusion that MJC's performing arts are of high standard (yes just look at its choir ^_^) I felt it contained some magic in it because it did, got my full attention at the very least, and yes it was enjoyable enough :D But wait, there's still Anderson Junior College. Man, that must be the best performance of the whole night man, the crescendo and decrescendos were made obvious, thought the LOUD parts were EXTREMELY LOUD such that my ears hurt abit after that, but its fine!
You know, when they started, everybody breathed and lifted up their instruments at the exact same time, it looked professional. The conductor was very energetic (reminds me of Mr Toh :D ) and put loads of emotions across, the playing was fantastic, of course. They had this Piano solo part, but the pianist was nowhere to be seen ):Maris Stella Alumni Band, another aweesome one! There's this part where they had to sing in the middle of the song while the other half continued playing. Yeah anyway the music produced was superb and somehow inspiring, I don't know how but it is. Its late now so I shan't comment anymore, go do your own blog surfing again hahaha. One word, great :DThe singing gave Terie and i some ideas, how cool would it be if Ahchoir, Ahband, AhCO and Ahdance were to perform TOGETHER in the school hall, surrouding the audiences and making everybody high. 'cmon lets all start writing letters to the school and make our wish come true. they'll definitely go well togehter :]After the concert ended at around 9:15, jj, terie, their cousin and I waited for a short while for their van to arrive. During that period of time, we sang to phantom of the opera and did so in the car too. Basically, we were singing throughout the trip back home, and discussing about the performance too. Hah, I should have joined band 4 years ago, at least I would have picked up an instrument and become a
happier girl there, hah, hah, ha. much happier than right now during cca I suppose, without those distinct groups and all, hah, hah, hah.
Doesn't help that I'm not one of the best singers there, in my opinion I might be better off playing an instrument since I have been on the piano for 12 years, hah.hah.
(though most people learn it, but whatever).
Don't get me wrong, I still love singing as much that's why I still faithfully attend cca for the sake of being part of the music. and to see riane and isabel and the juniors, hah, hah, hah. I feel like an isolated island saying this, but hey, i really love you guys alot really ,you're all great people ^_^
I don't think they'll let me join band in jc anyway, hope they do ): so its off to choir I skip off to.
(mjc ah, but I don't feel like going there leh) Piano ensemble sounds pretty good too hahah.
No more emo for me, I typed a draft during the concert about my thoughts on this issue but forget it, i'm happy once more^_^
Lets end it off right here, 2:05 ain't early D: